part 1 Yerevan-Yeraskh highway

At around 7:40 p.m., 40-year-old Sam Tadrosyan, a resident of Nerkin Dvin village, drove his Hummer 60 SS 606 on the 30 km section of the part 1 Yerevan-Yeraskh highway in Artashat administrative district, under still unknown circumstances. from the belt, part 1 collided with the concrete barrier of the dividing zone of the road, crossed it and appeared in the opposite zone.

eyelashes or wear artificial ones. What lipstick to choose? You can boldly use red, pink and orange shades. The last and most important look is the haircut. If your hair is long, it is better to straighten it. A tidy tail is also good, but not big towers. The make-up should be neat, smooth, but accentuated. If the length of the hair is from the shoulders, it is recommended to decorate it with a hair straightener, leaving a small bun on the forehead. We do not forget about the brilliant means, because it is part 2 necessary to like the symbol of the year, the white rat.

It provides information to potential investors, from the part 2 opportunities and conditions of the industry to the operational response to problems during the project, ”he wrote.

"Chelsea" is in the fourth place with 32 points and is 6 points behind "Manchester City" in the third place, 4 points ahead of "Sheffield United" in the 5th place. "Tottenham" is the 7th with 26 points. English Championship, 18th round "Tottenham" - "Chelsea": 0: 2 (video) Willian, 12, 45 + 4, 11m Removal: Son Hin Min ("Tottenham"), 62

Be respectful. Haven"t you noticed that you are more respectful of your colleagues or store vendors than those you love? Be nice at home too. part 3 Be careful. Sharp words and deeds no longer have a place in your home. Be kind to those you love and those who love you. Give gifts. And while it is well known that women"s best friends are diamonds, even a small postcard with nice words can be a pleasant and no less expensive part 3 surprise. Smile more often. Let your happy face show your attitude towards your partner. Remember how you looked at each other when you confessed your love.

Only German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has served as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany for more than 5869 days, longer than Merkel and Adenauer. In order to set a new record for the term of office of part 4 the Chancellor, Merkel needs to head the government for another 727 days, that is, at least until 2021. December 18.

At the same time, the next Bundestag elections are scheduled for 2021. In autumn. If the "grand coalition" does not split before then, the vote will take place in 2021. no later than October 24. 2018 ? In the fall of this year, Merkel announced that she would not run in the next election, either as chancellor or as a candidate for parliament.

The Nairi Police Department"s Investigation Department is preparing materials on December 21, the Nairi Police Department, on the fact of an part 4 alarm about fraud. This was reported by

The Armenian national team won 7 gold and 2 silver medals at the International Youth Boxing Tournament in Pyatigorsk, Russia.

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